Tamils Appreciate US Congress Resolution Calls for Tamil Genocide Recognition and Tamil Eelam Independence Referendum

Vel Velauthapillai
5 min readJun 8, 2024


House Resolution 1230 recognizes the Tamil Genocide. It also supports the right to self-determination of Eelam Tamil people and their call for an independence referendum for a lasting peaceful resolution. After 15 years of resilience and determination, the Tamils’ unifying policy and the concrete call are finally at the world’s most powerful nation’s decision-makers table. The H.Res 1230 combines Tamil’s constant calls in the last seven decades in one resolution. Thanks to Tamil Americans’ hard work, and consensus-based and iterative approach, the bi-partition resolution finally got introduced in May 2024.

H.Res 1230 resolution introduction at the Tamil State of Union at the Congress Library in Washington DC. on May 16, 2024

The first resolution request for a referendum as a solution for the Tamil Eelam struggle for freedom was submitted in 2009 in Santa Clara County in California. It requests the US Congress and the Federal Administration to immediately persuade the government of Sri Lanka and the UN to conduct a UN-monitored referendum in the Tamil region of Sri Lanka to determine if the people wish autonomy or complete independence. Another resolution was introduced in 2021 combined with the declaration of common principles of Tamils. This policy-first approach by the Tamil diaspora was the answer to the institutionalized genocidal Sri Lankan government lobby and it also put pressure on any foreign nations to put their proposed solution on the table openly rather than trying to drag with close-door meetings forever. The resolution H.Res 1230 truly reflects the Tamil community’s ask loud and clear.

Before 2009, the Tamil Eelam government was the center of trusted leadership of the Tamil diaspora. In 2009, the Tamils lost their functioning Tamil Eelam government but also the ability to have a unified centralized leadership. Since then Tamils had many organizations and fragmented leaderships but their fundamental demands and policies remain intact. Over two hundred thousand Tamils in the diaspora democratically exercised their political rights in early 2010 to reiterate their political will. The geopolitical powers misjudged the will of people thinking that it fades over time. Even though geopolitical power players tried to tilt Tamils to fit their needs and Sri Lanka’s genocide continued, Tamil’s resilience and demands were constant and got stronger over time. Thousands of Tamils were raped, tortured and killed after the war ended, and several resolutions were passed in the UNHRC, however, Sri Lanka’s impunity and land grabs also continued. Tamil diaspora knows well that if there is no justice, the Sri Lankan government will fully eliminate Tamils in their homeland and achieve their intention of creating Sinhala Bhudhish only Island.

The landmark resolution H.Res 1230 was introduced to the US Congress calling on the United States to work towards an independence referendum for Eelam Tamils and recognize the genocide committed against them by the Sri Lankan state. The resolution, introduced by Congressman Wiley Nickel and seven Congress members, is the first of its kind to be brought to the US Congress. The resolutions were introduced on May 15th and details were shared at the Tamil State of Union on May 16, 2024, at the Congress Library in Washington as Tamils mark May 18 commemorated as Tamil Genocide Remembrance Day worldwide.

This resolution has the most important two demands Eelam Tamils constantly made in the last 7 decades based on their right to self-determination as an ancestral nation on the Tamil Eelam territory.

  1. Urges the United States and the international community to advocate for and protect the political rights of the Eelam Tamil people and work toward a permanent political solution based on their right to self-determination that is democratically and peacefully approved by them through a universally accepted process of independence referendum; and
  2. Recognizes the genocide against the Eelam Tamil people by Sri Lanka.

In 2009, the Sri Lankan government used geopolitics very smartly to destroy the functioning government in Tamil Eelam and committed crimes of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity. The level of impunity by the Sri Lankan government and using China and India effectively to bypass international laws stunt civilized societies. Tamils have known the Sri Lankan government’s genocide intention since the 1950s right after the British left, and they fought back for their ancestral land and freedom non-violently for 3 decades and using force with the democratic mandate for another 3 decades. The Sinhala people also enjoyed their sovereignty only when the Tamil Eelam government was there. After 2009, it took only 10 years for Sri Lanka to go bankrupt and lose the Sinhala people’s sovereignty to China, India and the private bondholders.

The United States of America and Tamil diaspora relationship may enter a new phase with the introduction of the resolution. As everyone knows, a world relationship works when both sides offer something and receive benefits in return. From the Tamil side, the demands are always consistent, those were recognition and protection for the Tamil homeland or Tamil Eelam and justice for Sri Lanka’s genocide against Tamils. Even before 1976 or after 2009, this demand didn’t change. Over a million Tamils currently live in the Western world and they heavily contribute to the Western economy. In combination with Tamil Nadu and Tamil Eelam, it will provide a strong ally to the USA that is much stronger and more trusted than any other State in South Asia. The last 15 years clearly showed that without justice, Sri Lanka will continue to fail with repeated bankruptcy.

Canadian Prime Minister declared May 18 as Tamil Genocide Remembrance Day in 2023 and reiterated it in 2024.

The USA should offer a better partnership and leadership by recognizing the Tamil homeland and Tamil genocide. Even when the Tamils fought against the genocidal Sri Lankan military, they didn’t colonize the Sinhalese land as an act of revenge. During the last seven decades, all Eelam Tamils wanted was freedom and to reclaim their sovereignty. Tamil diaspora believes that the USA understands the Tamil demands and they will be thankful and supportive of the USA if it stands up against Sri Lanka’s genocide and helps conduct an Independence Referendum to exercise the Tamil Eelam nation’s right of self-determination. The resolution also united call by the Tamil diaspora, Tamil Nadu and Tamil Eelam.

Article by Vel


  1. “List of consensus among Tamils in the last 15 years“ https://tamilconferences.org/consensus/
  2. https://www.tamilguardian.com/content/us-congress-members-welcome-historic-resolution-calling-tamil-eelam-independence-referendum
  3. https://x.com/Tamils_Action
  4. https://x.com/RepWileyNickel/status/1791517196817928684



Vel Velauthapillai
Vel Velauthapillai

Written by Vel Velauthapillai

Vel Velauthapillai, a senior software engineer, has been involved and held board of director positions in many of the community not-for-profit organizations

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